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First Mobilization Meeting for International Interns was Held
2019-07-01 10:48 Ransford 

    The first seminar for the intern International students of Guizhou Medical University was held on the Friday, 28th June 2019 at the old campus of the Guizhou Medical University next to her affiliated hospital.


    The activity begun with an introductory speech by Mrs Vissy congratulating all intern students on their academic achievements. She also gave a brief prelude to the purpose of the seminar which was the orientation of students about how to go about the internship successfully. She introduced each departmental representative of the affiliated hospital .


   Dr Zhang Wei, who works with the department of internal medicine explained the general herachy within the hospital. She did not fail to mention the interns position as at the bottom of the chain. She explained how we needed to get along with our supervisors with respect and humility.

    Dr Zhang Tao, from the department of surgery illustrated his expectations when he was an intern from an overview of what he had seen as a student from the medical movie series "Greys Anatomy." And how it differed from the normal reality he experienced.
    He talked about his frustrations then, but did not fail to encourage us by how he managed to overcome them by staying more in the operation room for instance. He emphasized that if students are more dedicated towards what is expected of them during the internship period we will be opportune to learn a lot.
    Dr Nie Lei, from the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, she explained her own previous experience in relation to having to stay extra long hours just to obtain some required knowledge. She mainly highlighted on the necessacity for male interns whiles carrying out some examinations on the female to be accompanied by another person preferably a female supervisor.
    Dr Yang Mengting, from the department of pediatrics explained their departments requirements and did not fail to mention that students should avoid perfumes as it may cause allergic reactions with some kids.
    Last But not the least, Dr Wen Qianjun From the department of infectious disease explained the general challenge during internship period, employing all students to have a critical way of thinking and approach to patients, so as to become excellent Interns now and great doctors in future.
    He also used the expression "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." So he encouraged good relaxing and refreshing techniques such as regular exercise. He explained the relationship between dopamine and exercise,stating clearly how we could take an advantage of the period of dopamine surge after exercise to absorb more knowledge within a short period of time.

    Mrs Cao Yi concluded the meeting with the expectations of the office for each intern.
    It must be said that before the conclusion of the meeting all teachers had talked about invariably similar things from introduction of their wards to seminars, theory and practical examinations that will be taken at the end of going round each department .


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