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关于发布2020年秋季入学考试成绩及拟录取学生名单(第一批)的公告 Result of GMU 2020 Entrance Exam and Admission
2020-07-16 14:32  

The School of Overseas Education of Guizhou Medical University has completed the first batch of 2020 fall intake entrance exam. The results of the examination and the list of students to be admitted are hereby announced as follows:

Number Name Chinese Proficiency Assessment (100 score) Comprehensive Interview
(100 score)
1  HASSAN SYEDA FARWAH  80.9   89.3  Yes
 YOUNAS MUHHAMAD  82.8   83.5  Yes
3  ATIF ULLAH  61.2   77.5  Yes
4  RAFIA  61.9  85.3  Yes
5  AHMAD FASIH  48   87.3  No

Notes: With both Chinese Proficiency Assessment and Comprehensive Interview of more than 60 score respectively, the student can be admitted.

School of Overseas Education
Guizhou Medical University
July 16, 2020



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