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Belt & Road International Conference On Hepatobiliary Carcinoma and Infectious Diseases 2019(BRICHID2019)
2019-08-23 14:08 Chahat 

    On 26th July 2019, on behalf of Guizhou Medical Unversity(1938), we were honorarily invited to participate in the BRICHID 2019 with Peking University Health Service Center, the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University and Guizhou Provincial Medical Association.

    The event was held during July 26-28,2019 in Guiyang International Eco-Conference Center,Guiyang capital city,Guizhou province,China.
    BRICHID offered an international forum for researchers and clinicians, emphasizing epidemiology,multidisciplinary treatment, innovation in clinical care, translational research,artificial intelligence,big data, integration of advanced technology to advance the science and practice of liver cancer management.

    This conference hosted a series of informative panels that explored key challenges and best practice in area of hepatobiliary malignancies and infectious diseases,including precision surgery,targeted therapy, immunotherapy, minimally invasive ablation and interventional therapy, radiotherapy, cancer prevention, control and prevention of infectious disease, translational research, turning big data and artificial intelligence into action.

    Over 1000 Chinese and many international medical experts from India,Nepal,USA,Thailand,Israel etc. got actively engaged and gave their views,positive feedback and insight into broad variety of hepatobiliary malignancies and infectious disease clinical and basic research. All the participants also took part in discussion session through Q&As.
BRICHID 2019 was really a good platform for one step forward in medical research and field towards hepatobiliary carcinoma and infectious diseases.


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