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The Much Needed Guidance-Counselling from the Seniors
2019-05-17 10:27  

  On the 8th of May the batch of 2016 was visited by a few students of the utmost senior batch of GMU’s School of Overseas

  Education, regarding their experiences at the school and particularly about how they had and have been dealing with the studies. Their main objective was to enlighten us about the importance of the knowledge that lies ahead of us and to not let this chance of opportunities slip away.

  At first we were introduced to the students who were going to share their ideas and intellects with us by Mr. Ransford.
  First to speak was Ms. Ankush who shared her routines and guidelines regarding how she dealt with the enormous syllabus and how she managed her time completing each of the subjects. She told us how she studied for 4 to 6 hours on a daily basis, first
along with my classmates were very shocked to know that giving 6 hours a day to study is quite exaggerated but as she made us

understand why those 6 hours were important it seemed quite adequate time.

  Second speaker was Mr. Ravinder he was quite encouraging regarding the whole time management and “how to study during an exam” Scenario. His presentation regarding the topic was very motivating, filled with inspirational quotes and management charts he made us understand how we were in the middle of a long journey and mugging up all the vast knowledge was not an

option. He also introduced us with some important books and references regarding the basic and Clinical subjects. He made us realize that the time is now and it is never late to start studying.

  Last but not the least we were educated by Mr. Ransford, he is one of the most experienced and encouraging students we have in our school. His advice was not to concentrated over the studies but what he put emphasis on was something more important and that is how we can be a positive person, being a student he used these lines “Don’t ask what the University can done for you, ask yourself what you can do for the university.”, and this excerpt changed our perspective how we saw the opportunities and duties that lie ahead of us. His main concentration was “As a student what should our aim be ?”, A bright student is not the one who always tops the class but the one who is enlightened with knowledge of the subject by heart and is passionate about it, and in my thinking that is what makes you a good doctor. Also with his examples and funny dialects he made us realize what role we and our friends play in each other’s life, he taught us how we can be the motivational power to our colleague and help him/her rise be it studies or the daily struggle of life.

  The paramount quality he talked about was of that of being ‘Humble’. Always be grateful for what you got never possess a trait like pride or greed, staying away from envy is one of the major task a student should own. Be helpful, put your heart into the task in your hand, no one can stop you from being the Doctor you wish for, just work hard, be humble and success is right

around the corner.
  At last I, Paramveer along with my batch of 2016 would like to thank the Seniors for giving out time in their busy schedule 
and help us get motivated for the future that lies ahead of us. We wish them a best of luck for their future endeavors.


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