MD ATIF ROSE(男,印度籍,学号:L2014011015)系贵州医科大学海外教育学院2014级临床医学专业留学生。根据《贵州医科大学国际学生学籍管理办法(试行)》第四十五条第(六)项定,超过在校最长年限者,应予退学。因该生在学校规定的修业年限内未完成学业,经学院审核,拟对MD ATIF ROSE作自动退学处理。
请MD ATIF ROSE在公示期之日起60日内到贵州医科大学海外教育学院说明情况或提出异议,联系电话:085188589697。如未在公告期内提出异议,无论是否办理相关手续,学校将于公告期满后,视为自动退学处理决定送达,并给予正式自动退学处理。
Guizhou Medical University(GMU) intends to make the decision on your automatic dropping out from our university. However, due to the inaccessibility via phone, email, or other means, you are hereby notified through an online public announcement. The details are as follows:
Mr. MD ATIF ROSE (Student number: L2014011015) from India is an undergraduate student of Batch 2014 in Guizhou Medical University, majoring in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. According to Article 45 (6) of Measures on Enrollment Status Management for International Students of Guizhou Medical University (Trial Version), the students who stay at the university for more than the required longest year will be expelled from GMU. Due to your failure to complete your studies within the required duration, after review by the university and school, it is proposed that you automatically drop out from GMU.
Mr. MD ATIF ROSE should explain the situation or raise objections within 60 days from the date of issue; contact number: 085188589697. If no objection is raised within the required period, regardless of whether relevant procedures have been completed or not, our university will consider the decision on your automatic dropping out from our university as delivered, and give formal decision on this matter.