On 26th July 2019, on behalf of Guizhou Medical Unversity(1938), we were honorarily invited to participate in the BRICHID 2019 with Peking University Health Service Center, the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University and Guizhou Provincial Medical Association. The event was h...
The first seminar for the intern International students of Guizhou Medical University was held on the Friday, 28th June 2019 at the old campus of the Guizhou Medical University next to her affiliated hospital. The activity begun with an introductory speech by Mrs Vissy congratulating ...
2019年6月28日,第一届留学生实习动员大会成功召开,自此标志着我校留学生教育即将展开新的篇章。 会上,来自内科的张维老师、外科的张涛老师、妇产科的聂蕾老师、儿科杨萌婷老师分别介绍了附属医院的历史和各个科室所在位置,更着重讲解了实习期间的注意事项和要求,他们希望学生能够积极主动学习,与病人和...
This quiz is one of the most enormous and grand quizzes held in Guizhou Medical University,which represents the true spirit of competition among students of high caliber from different schools showing advanced knowledge and discipline towards the subject of anatomy. The rules for th...
6月22日,我院国际学生参加由教务处主办,基础医学院和海外教育学院承办的贵州医科大学第十一届人体解剖知识竞赛,并取得团体第三的好成绩,2016级印度籍学生Arshiya斩获最佳优秀个人奖。 这是贵州医科大学历史上第一次有国际学生参与的知识竞赛。海外教育学院外教,四川大学博士毕业生Doctor Ram担任主持人...
6月26日14:30,贵州医科大学海外教育学院2014级国际学生实习动员大会在第九教学楼9402隆重召开。在学院院长吴家红的带领下,学院综合办公室、教学管理科、学生管理科、对外汉语教研室的所有教师与2014级的47名国际学生均参加了此次动员大会。会议由教学管理科陈琳老师主持。 首先,综合科曹奕老师代表海外教...
2019年6月18日-22日,海外学院院长吴家红带领临床医学院张维老师和基础医学院夏白娟老师前往青岛参加了由中国教育国际交流协会国际医学教育分会主办青岛大学承办的第二届MBBS项目青年教师英语授课展示活动和2019年来华留学生医学教育学术年会。 在会议中听取了多个高校关于来华医学留学生教育政策和管理大会报告...
6月1日下午,我院在体育馆足球场举办了首届板球比赛,学生科工作人员及外籍教师代表到现场观看比赛,并为获奖队伍颁奖。 此次比赛由我院2014级、2015级、2016级和2017级的印度学生组成四支代表队,分别进行两场初赛,每场比赛中的获胜队伍进入决赛,争夺冠军。经过激烈的角逐,2014级、2015级两支队伍进入...
General InformationFounded in 1938, Guizhou Medical University (GMU) was originally known as the National Guiyang Medical College. It was one of the nine national medical colleges under the Ministry of Education. In 1950, it was renamed Guiyang Medical College, and in 2015 Guizhou Medical U...
General InformationFounded in 1938, Guizhou Medical University (GMU) was originally known as the National Guiyang Medical College. It was one of the nine national medical colleges under the Ministry of Education. In 1950, it was renamed Guiyang Medical College, and in 2015Guizhou Medical Univ...