2020年新冠疫情蔓延,中国传统医药与现代医学协同互补,为全球抗疫作出重要贡献。应主办方贵州中医药大学邀请,我院留学生于2020年12月10日至11日参加了“第四届中国—东盟传统医药创新与发展论坛(留学生篇)暨‘针艾黔行’系列教育活动”。 活动内容包括国际中医推广专家的线上视频讲座、艾灸知识讲座及体...
12月10日,贵州医科大学第四届人体解剖与组织胚胎学手绘大赛决赛在道德讲堂隆重举行。我院共10名学生,近20幅作品参赛,经过激烈角逐,最终2016级临床医学专业IRSHAD AQSA(夏可儿)、2017级DHAKHWA SHARNAM(谢帅)和2018级 ZAHRA LARAIB(贝拉)3名学生进入决赛。他们自信满满,分别上台对自己的手绘作品进行了精...
Professor Bin Yu, currently Dean at the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who did his Post doctorate in Neuroscience from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland gave a comprehensive presentation to the international students of School of Overseas Education on being a doctor i...
On 2019-10-13 our university organized a “union trip” for foreign students to visit Chinese rural areas. The main aspect of the trip was to enhance the teacher-student relationship. 17 foreign students all the way from INDIA, PAKISTAN, and NIGERIA with their respected Chinese teachers went ...
Every beginning has an end and every end is a new beginning. GMU batch of 2014 is few months away from graduation. As an old age custom ,batch of 2015 came together to bid a warm farewell to their seniors last Thursday on 2nd MAY 2019.The function was organized at 夜郎谷宋式古堡, the natura...
On 25th april,2019 Guizhou Medical University held Chinese dubbing competition . we have to navigate a different culture , a different university system, and sometimes awkward use of our own native language.The event was started with welcoming of guests and students.It was only living throug...
4月25日,我院代表队参加了由麻醉学院主办的第五届英语配音比赛,并友情出演为此次比赛助兴。 比赛形式为同学们用英文对电影片段进行配音,全程生动有趣,其中不乏英语口语表达能力和舞台表现力十分强劲的参赛队伍,充分展现出同学们的实力和魅力,以及活跃的英语学习氛围。最终,“一颗蔓越莓”队带来的...
为弘扬中华文化,增加留学生的文化体验,加强中外学生的交流学习, 4月24日,海外教育学院与基础医学院在南校区图书馆门口举行了“手牵手 携手行”系列活动之一的拔河比赛。 海外教育学院院长吴家红、基础医学院党委副书记王妤煜、基础医学院副处级组织员邓欣、学生辅导员及基础医学院医学实验技术和基础医学4...
Nothing brings people together as arts, food and sports does. Taking cognizance of the ongoing beautiful and high-spirited spring festival, the Guizhou Medical University conducted a series of cross-cultural activities to promote unity and harmony on 24th April 2019. The first of the series ...